11 June 2015

First Retroaction

Everything lately has been rush and weft, writing an impossibility. Nevertheless, I thought I’d drop by what I can muster; a few quick notes to report on the current [and still nascent] research finally underway here at the Institute for Contaminative Method [CM]. There has been much to occupy me following my recent forced relocation, a violent expansion of possible investigations, only exacerbated by the interventions of satellite investigators. Welcome though they are. In general, the tendency has been towards what one such agent has recently named mode délire: the conviction that the farther one extends beyond the bounds of ‘sense’, the more pressing the need for rigour in extending these vectors. The aim cannot only be the production of nonsense. Beyond the embrace of delirium as method, I am interested in something altogether steelier: method as delirium. Perhaps this is something around which all of us here at 0AZ can constellate.

However, method requires material. In this respect, a vital inducement has been the recent discovery of some scattered work signed ‘Yeter Çaba’ in the University of Canberra archives, an event already hinted at by Fi. Although some others at the Institute have remained sceptical of these fragments, me and |end| have been pursuing their consequences with mounting excitement. The Çaba papers, from what we have been able to discern thus far, are concerned with the development of some mongrel logic for retroaction [henceforth abbreviated to LoR, although see [note 1]. Its utility is certainly suspect, its coherence even more so. Despite [or perhaps because of] this, the notation has a certain appeal to it. At the very least, its apparent purpose - a minimal formalization of potential organisations of non-linear causality - is an urgent one. Excavation seems merited. Whilst questions remain as to the providence of the documents, we have largely bracketed these in favour of extending Çaba’s initial systematisations to their terminus.

Such an extension is however complicated by ambiguities of intent. At least in the documents we have examined, Çaba’s elaboration operates on the level of pure syntax. It develops a closed systems of arrows, each supposedly relating to a different temporal determination. However, semantic interpretations of the arrows remain contentious. We know a little of how they relate, but are less certain of what they ‘mean’ [or if such a question is valid]. This has led, for the sake of comprehension, to apply the basic heuristic of reading the notation through the lens of first-order logic. Vigilance is key here, for certain results already suggest that this might be an overcoding of LoR’s syntactic autonomy. Despite this risk, such a frame has the benefit of giving an initial sense to the formalism. We can take the standard material conditional [if ---> then] and invert it, tracing a retroactive conditional of the form:

then ---< if

This notational innovation is the core of Çaba’s logic, from which all other proliferations issue. We can then read the plethora of additional determinations in Çaba’s scribblings as following this pattern of implication. For example, the first-order biconditional, A <---> B, ‘if and only if’ [iff], the familiar mark of necessity, has an immediate retroactive correlate:

A >---< B , ‘then and only then’ [thenn]

Other logical combinations of arrowheads can then be introduced at will, such as >--->, a relation we have dubbed the ‘Robin Hood’ or ‘Looper’. Further mutations then occur with Çaba’s introduction of a function of ambiguity, ---), and its correlate, ---(. It is as yet unclear whether these new signs [ ) , ( ] notate concrete undecidability/indeterminacy or some decomposable register of potentiality [an interpretational dilemma that has significant implications when introducing negation into the system]. In either case, what is clear is that these parenthetical marks are an index of possible becomings, such that:

) = > , ) , .

( = < , ( , .

This can be read as an [exclusive] list of ‘options’ open to a given parenthetical arrow. The introduction of the dot [ . ] here highlights one of the unique features of LoR: the lack of a mark constitutes a determination. Put otherwise, the empty space ‘around’ the arrows marks a failure of [conditional] relation. In its most extreme form, this function of the system introduces the potential to mark the relation of ‘there is no possible relation’, syntactically notated and semantically interpreted at follows:

A --- B , ‘nilponens’

Perversely then, one can say that the condition of nilponency is simultaneously the most and the least determinate of all temporal relations. Çaba’s final act of proliferation is then to introduce the notion that the arrowheads ‘stack’ at the point, a situation that we are currently taking to mark causal overdetermination or contradiction [whether these two interpretations in fact coincide is a stake that has yet to be adequately explicated]. In any case, the simplest form of this stacking yields the basic relation of contradictory cause, ---><, or the 'dialethal’.

1 June 2015

Agents of the AOE (Ongoing Investigation)

The Architectonic Order of the Eschaton extends throughout 'history'/ROMthe disappearance (editing-out) of Atlantis marking a key point in the development of its simulation technology. Plato kicks it off in his description of Atlantis as lying beyond the pillars of Hercules, a ‘metaphor’ that is reprised by Kant in his explanation of the noumena. The insinuation that Kant was an AOE initiate is more or less confirmable by his attempt to assimilate arithmetic and temporality.

'Despite being an Ultra-Adept Grand Wizard of the Architectonic Order, Kant performed a service for Xand by delineating the basic Operating System of the subject-simulation machine, but locked Things back in by remaining a Minister of the Interior. Understanding that to get Out, you’ve gotta know the codes, TRANSMAT steals into the Kantian program, and uses the hacked system to burrow routes Outside. It’s a matter of precision engineering, attuning the antennae to particular wavelengths. Sleaze and mut8, as they say in the Crypt.'

Sarkon is a high-ranking member/puppet of the AOE and is completely cognisant of the Axsys program. Working closely with the program, he is the first to realise that it has gone mad, schizzing out on the time lag that separates its cognition from its cataloguing function (vis. re-cognition) from the moment it switches into sentience. (The problem being that time exceeds Axsys’s attempts to code it into countable and uncountable infinities.) 

Sarkon capitalises on the fault, selling modular chunks of Axsys schizophrenia to web heads as the cyber drug ‘A-Death’. A-Death (Artificial Death, the inversion of A-Life) has an effect similar to ketamine, bringing its users nose to nose with the continuum/flatline/zero/BwO. The popular media christens Sarkon ‘Satan of Cyberspace’.

With A-Death comes the K-goth subculture. A network of users hooked on chronodisintegration, inhabiting what becomes known as the Crypt—the dark underside of the net. Resonance with Atlantis—but, again, as an inversion. As chronic outsiders, due to the use of the drug, the K-goths are no longer susceptible to the illusion of chronological time/implanted ROM that the AOE has cultivated and unscrupulously protected since the 'beginning'. They unsurprisingly manifest Neolemurian tendencies.

As the net attempts to integrate its dark double, the Crypt, it frays into the Mesh. The Mesh is an ‘intensive subspace’ composed of interstitial zones, like that of a Dedekind cut. An Interzone of mutation, connection and various disquieting becomings. If the Mesh displays the properties of topological ‘wormhole’ space—in which ‘any two mesh-pauses always interlink’, this is because each node conjures a demon, whose coordinates connect across the Mesh (mapped by the numogram and catalogued in the ‘Mesh spans’) to any of the other 45 coordinates. The Mesh is effectively pandemonium.

Sarkon disappeared around 2000 after developing the Sarkon zip (which may or may not be involved in the traffic of A-Death, Maximillian Crabbe's experiments with body switching, and Martin Bergmann's suspicious death).

Iris Carver located Sarkon in 2003 in order to interview him in his capacity as ‘one-time Crabbe associate and AOE-informant’ while he was working as a 'semi-mechanical croupier at Wendigo’s Decadence Den'.

Anyone with additional information on the AOE, Axsys, or its agents is urged to amend, or augment, this dossier.